Unlocking Radiance: DIY Orange Peel Bath Tea & Brightening Facial Rinse

In the pursuit of radiant and healthy skin, we often overlook the simple yet potent benefits that nature offers.  Let’s talk about the rejuvenating powers of ORANGE PEEL and how its essence can be harnessed to create a luxurious bath tea or brightening facial rinse. So stop throwing out those orange peels friends!

Before we dive into the recipe, let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable properties of orange peel. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, orange peel boasts a myriad of benefits for the skin:

  1. Brightening: The natural acids in orange peel help to gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells, promoting a brighter and more even complexion.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: Orange peel contains compounds that can soothe irritation and reduce inflammation, making it ideal for sensitive or acne-prone skin.
  3. Antioxidant-Rich: Loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants, orange peel helps to combat free radical damage and protect the skin from premature aging.
  4. Hydrating: The essential oils present in orange peel lock in moisture, keeping the skin soft, supple, and hydrated.
  5. The fruit’s high citric acid content helps open pores, clean out dirt, and regulates sebum production, which is especially helpful for those with oily or acne prone skin. 

The pH of oranges are closer to that of human skin, making them the better citrus option for this recipe.

Crafting the Orange Peel Reduction


  • Peels of 2 organic oranges (preferably unwaxed)
  • 2 cups of filtered water


  1. Begin by thoroughly washing the oranges to remove any dirt, pesticides, or wax from the peel. If possible, opt for organic, unwaxed oranges to ensure purity.
  2. Carefully remove the outer peel of the oranges.
  3. Once you have peeled the oranges, cut or tear the peel into smaller strips or chunks to maximize surface area and extract the most flavor and nutrients. I often keep the peels of oranges I eat in the freezer and when I gather enough peels, make this tea. 
  4. In a small saucepan, combine the orange peels with 2 cups of filtered water, ensuring that the peel is fully submerged.
  5. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer over medium-low heat, allowing it to cook for approximately 20-30 minutes. This slow simmer will coax out the essential oils and beneficial compounds from the orange peel. As the mixture simmers, you'll notice the liquid reducing and thickening, infusing with the vibrant hue and aroma of the oranges. (This process will also make your kitchen smell ahh-mazin!) 
  6. Once the liquid has reduced by about half and taken on a syrupy consistency, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the orange peel reduction cool to room temperature.
  7. Strain the cooled mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth, pressing gently to extract every last drop of the precious liquid. Compost the spent orange peel.
  8. Pour the reduction into a comfortably warm bath, set an intention, and step into the bath. If using as a facial rinse, set ¼ cup of the liquid aside and gently pat onto face or mix into a clay-based mask. Rinse with cool water.

Weekly use of the orange peel bath tea can help to improve skin tone and texture, imparting a radiant glow that emanates from within. Please take note to avoid prolonged sun exposure for 24 hours after using any sort of citric acid on your skin, including this bath tea

By crafting a simple yet indulgent orange peel reduction bath tea, you can unlock more radiant, healthy skin from the comfort of your own home by using food scraps that may otherwise not have gone to use. Cheers to radiant skin and the rejuvenating power of nature!

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